Hi all! Dev here. Today is a big day, as I’m pushing the v0.3 update to main branch and it comes with many, many new things. Why I’m calling it v0.3? Well, v0 because it’s Early Access so not really a first version, and the .3 is because this is the third update.
I was actually planning on sending this update only to some game journalists I contacted, BUT I decided to release it to the general public because, you know, this is Early Access! 🙂
So let’s cut straight to the changelog (compact version). Here’s what changed:

  • Clean post processing

    This was a big one, requested by many. Now the game doesn’t look like it’s being played through a dirty pair of goggles!

  • Performance increase

    You’ll notice some frame rate gain as a result from many small tweaks on many things.

  • Massive controller update

    Yep, controllers changed BIG TIME. I could write an entire changelog just on this aspect, but I’ll try to keep this short. At this moment, I strongly recommend playing Rogue Wings on mouse + keyboard. That being said, Xbox and PlayStation controllers should be working mostly fine. You might still have to use the mouse to interact with menus, and this is something I’m planning on fixing in the future. There’s also EXPERIMENTAL support for Flightsticks. Try it at your own risk – it’s still very, very basic and unreliable.

  • Gameplay improvements

    The most arcade-y movements of all times are finally in. You can now double tap A or D to roll, double tap W to PHASE and double tap S to perform an 180 turn. This changes the game’s dynamic immensely and is also a lot of fun. This leads us to the next point…

  • Balancing

    Because of all the gameplay and control changes, and basically because now it’s easier to control your ship, I made enemies a little more aggressive. If someone shoots a homing missile at you, you will have to do something to get out of its way. My favorite is using the Phase, followed by an 180 turn to counter-attack. Your wingmen also deal much more damage now.

  • New hero ship!

    You probably noticed how the entire promotional material changed since the last update. I’ve pulled the trigger on a new ship model, and now we are officially no longer using assets from the Unreal Engine’s Marketplace! I personally love the new ship.

  • RAGE!

    You are a badass pilot looking for revenge and stuff. So you obviously can accumulate RAGE and unleash it upon your enemies. Watch them look at you in the eye while you ROCKET-JUMP out of your cockpit with a massive rocket launcher in your hands. Fire up to 5 missiles directly into your target, or use the Secondary Weapon button to launch the big one. Keep an eye on your RAGE meter, right next to your health bar, and make sure to press SPACE to use it when it’s filled up.

  • Menus

    There’s an entire new Options Menu, and that’s still a work in progress. Make sure to take a look at the control layouts for reference. When in doubt, press pause and go to options. Scroll down a bit to see the keyboard layout and learn what each key does.

OK, there’s still a lot more to add to this list, but these are the most important changes so far. Make sure to try the FREE CAMERA by holding LEFT ALT and moving your mouse.
Also, please remember this is only the first big update since the Early Access launch, so if you encounter any bug, have gameplay suggestions, or concerns, or just feel like saying something about the game, please leave your comment below or go to the Community Hub forums on Steam. I’m always there answering players’ questions.