Hello fellow rogue aces!

NIGHTSTAR: Rogue Wings was featured as one of the best games in Screenshot Saturday in GameDev this week, and we are so thrilled! Check out the original post about it on Nerd-Time.com. We were among very cool names such as Starsector, Bullet Ville, Creach: the Depleted World, and many, many more!
This weekend’s GIF shows how the new DISRUPTOR GUNS work. Now, instead of the old blue bullets, you’ll have more weapon variation with the instant lasers. Lasers. LASERS. Inspiration comes from TV classics such as (guess what?) Star Trek. This weapon will quickly drain enemy shields!
As with all different weapons, the disruptors will also deal some hull damage—but keep in mind, to really break that hull switch to your piercing rounds when the enemy shields are down. Got it? Use your weapons strategically, and the results will be incredibly devastating. Muahaha.
On the dev side of things, we’re very happy about how the new disruptors came out. The laser effects are bright and vivid, the sound that comes with it is extremely satisfying, and it works really well with the other gameplay elements. It was a lot of work, and it’s just so good when the results are actually what we were looking for!
This is Rogue Wings’s second time being featured among the best of Screenshot Saturday! Check out our game’s first appearance as one of the Fullsync Favourites!
Want to know more about NIGHTSTAR: Rogue Wings?

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Over and Out